Friday, October 29, 2010


The earth is divided into three chemical layers: the core, the mantle and the crust. The core is divided into two layers: a solid inner core and a liquid outer core. Within the mantle lie two subdivisions, upper and lower mantle. There are two types of crust, oceanic and continental.

The flow of matter and enegry in the Earth

Matter is everything around you. Matter is everything made of atoms and molecules. Matter is anything that has a mass and occupies space. All particles of matter are in constant motion. Matter can flow through the geosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. Energy is the abilty to do work. Convection is the transfer of heat by actual movemnt of the warmed matter.conduction is the transfer of energy through matter from particle to particle. It is the transfer and distribution of heat energy through matter from atom to atom within a substance.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Evidence For Movement and Changes In the Geosphere Over Time

     The geosphere is the solid earth that includes continental and oceanic crust as well as the various layers of the earth's enterior. The geosphere is not static, but it's surface (crust) is in a constant state of motion that gives rise to movement of the continents. A changein position relative to a frame of referance.